

Mucous membrane and oral hygiene

Frequent oral hygiene treatments and periodic examinations of the mucous membrane of the mouth play an important role in the prevention of gum problems, tooth decay and any other issues in the oral cavity.

Next to everyday brushing of teeth and the use of dental floss, a professional dental cleaning is recommended once every six months. These routine cleanings remove plaque and spots, prevent gum inflammation and help with maintaining a proper oral hygiene. All external deposits can be removed by ultrasound or sodium bicarbonate sandblasting. The ultrasound unit uses sound waves to loosen up hard deposits without damaging teeth. After careful cleaning, teeth are polished in order to prevent the deposit of plaque or pellicle.

Diseases of the parodontium and the gum are primarily caused by plaque produced by bacteria. Gum diseases cause no pain at first and may go unnoticed while it is already too late.

The initial symptoms can be a bleeding gum and bad breath. Patients diagnosed with early stage gum disease receive mucous membrane treatment. Deep settled plaque is removed by a technology called scaling or root planning. Treatment of the gum and parodontium requires a number of sittings before a proper level of oral cavity health is reached. Patients are also taught the correct method of oral hygiene at home so as to maintain the level achieved.

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